👋 Hi, I’m Tyger.

Stanford Grad (19'), Goldman Alum, and Founder of K-Bridge.

1/ Welcome: I launched this site in 2022 to open-source my learning. Here you’ll find my writing, conversations, workouts, bookshelf, and more. Ultimately, this site's meant to be a paper-trail for progress and a fun way to connect with people :)

2/ Early Career: I graduated from Stanford in 2019 thinking I'd be a lifelong investor. I started my career at Goldman, passed all the CFA exams, and got promoted quickly. But I eventually grew curious about alternative career paths. I left wall street in 2021 to join a startup.

3/ Startup: Frontier Networks was a digital community for professional investors (and subsidiary of Colossus Media). I learned a lot there about online communities, biz ops, and sales. Part of my job was to interview high-profile investors (like Scott Malpass, Will Thorndike, and Kat Cole). I learned about the power of networks, conversation, and open-sourced learning.

4/ PE Turnaround: Frontier never found product-market fit and closed shop in 2022. With prior waill street and startup experience, I decided to try something new. I joined Oncourse Home Solutions (undergoing a PE turnaround) and worked as Chief of Staff to the COO. I learned a lot in two years there - about M&A, business development, and change management.

5/ K-Bridge: In 2024, I decided to leave Oncourse and move to Seoul. It had long been a dream of mine to spend time in Korea (despite never having been) and the timing felt right. In Seoul, I saw an opportunity to build K-Bridge (a global community for The Korean Diaspora). K-Bridge is now my full time gig!

I’ve met some great people through this site and hope to meet more. If you're interested in keeping in touch, join my private email list! (Sent monthly.)

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